Trinity Financial Advisors abides by the highest ethical standards in the industry. Our commitment is to serve as a fiduciary for our clients. As fiduciaries, acting in your best interest is our foremost priority—it comes even before achieving our business goals.

We belong to respected professional organizations for financial advisors, and we adhere strictly to the ethical codes of each. Some of the major principles that they share—and that we proudly uphold—include:

  • Objectivity: We strive to be as unbiased as possible in providing advice. Our fee-only compensation model helps to ensure the impartiality of the guidance we provide.

  • Competence: We maintain a high level of knowledge and ability in order to best serve our clients. We are committed to continuing education, and we do not provide advice in areas outside of our expertise.

  • Full Disclosure: We are committed to fully describing our method of compensation, disclosing any potential conflicts of interest and specifying the total cost of our services.

  • Integrity and Honesty: We seek to observe the highest standard of professional integrity, and to be pro-actively honest in all dealings with our client.

  • Confidentiality: We keep all client data strictly private unless authorization is received from the client to share it. We treat all documents with care, and dispose of them carefully.

  • Professionalism: We conduct ourselves in a way that would be a credit to the four professional organizations at all times. Membership in these organizations involves integrity, honesty and respectful treatment of all.

For specific details on each professional organization's codes of ethics that we subscribe to, click on the link to each organization:

Certified Financial Planner Board (CFP®)  |  Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Please Note: Limitations: The achievement of any professional designation, certification, degree, or license should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if Trinity is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.


As more fully discussed within our Privacy Policy, employees are expected to exercise diligence and care in maintaining and protecting our clients' nonpublic, confidential information. Employees are also expected not to divulge information regarding Trinity Financial Advisors LLC's securities recommendations or client securities holdings to any individual outside of the firm, except:



As necessary to complete transactions or account changes (for example, communications with brokers and custodians);


As necessary to maintain or service a client or his/her account (for example, communications with a client's accountant);


With various service providers providing administrative functions for Trinity Financial Advisors LLC (such as our technology service provider), only after we have entered into a contractual agreement that prohibits the service provider from disclosing or using confidential information except as necessary to carry out its assigned responsibilities and only for that purpose; or


As permitted by law.